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Best Work Samples


English 4 Essay

I have always had a hard time with language because of my dyslexia, so getting an A on and essay in Molly's class had seemed impossible. I wrote this one on Gender Inequality in the context of Their Eyes Were Watching God. I think that this is the best work I have done for a class in humanities. 


The Biological Engineering High School is a competition put on by the University of California Berkeley Bioengineering Honors Society, in which ACLC Honors Biology students compete in each year. My group competed in medical field of the competition, trying to propose a way to create red blood cells in a lab. The project was especially personally important to me because I want to be an engineer, and because my group was comprised entirely of guys, so it felt particularly realistic for my future.

Spirit Week

In addition to being Leadership's Event Coordinator in 11th grade, I took on the role of being the Head of Spirit Committee. Organizing Spirit Week gave me a lot of experience with event planning, running meetings, and talking to administration. 

Science Fair

I have been at ACLC since 6th grade, so I have competed in many Science Fairs. The project I am most proud of would have to be my 10th grade Science Fair Project. Here I tried to examine the relationship between air quality and ocean water quality. I liked this project best not only because it had real life implementations, but also because you know you picked a good project when your homework is to go to the beach every weekend. 
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